Plant, all germinated plants both seedling and mature age. Includes potted plants and bare root plants.
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Cold hardier form of Agapanthus, also called "Lily of the Nile", giving blue to light blue globes of..
$12.00 Ex Tax: $12.00 quantity on hand: 1
agave bracteosa
Soft-leafed, spine-free emerald green agave. Native to northeastern Mexico. Cliff dwelli..
$12.00 Ex Tax: $12.00 quantity on hand: 2
agave vilmoriniana
Agave vilmoriniana, also sometimes named "foxtail agave". Thin blue-green leaves, fine teeth a..
$10.00 Ex Tax: $10.00 quantity on hand: 0
aloe ferox seedlings
Aloe ferox, seedling plants two years of age. These are a large, single stemmed species aloe f..
$5.00 Ex Tax: $5.00 quantity on hand: 5
aloe maculata
Aloe maculata, often called "soap aloe", heavily speckled and forms large rosettes. Generally ..
$7.00 Ex Tax: $7.00 quantity on hand: 7
aloe marlothii
Aloe marlothii, a large, single-stemmed aloe indigenous to South Africa. Beautiful, stately, and tho..
$25.00 Ex Tax: $25.00 quantity on hand: 0
blue narrow leaf agave
Blue leafed agave, locally purchased we're unsure of this agave's identity. Leaves are a brigh..
$30.00 Ex Tax: $30.00 quantity on hand: 1
Echinopsis oxygona
Echinopsis oxygona, a barrel type cactus with very stubby short thorns. We've only grown this ..
$5.00 Ex Tax: $5.00 quantity on hand: 0
Pacific madrona
Pacific madrona treelings, two and three years old, potted in one-gallon pots. Common in parts..
$10.00 Ex Tax: $10.00 quantity on hand: 2
piggy back plant
Tolmiea menziesii, commonly called "piggy back plant", is a Pacific Northwest native shade dwelling ..
$5.00 Ex Tax: $5.00 quantity on hand: 1
strawberries one gallon
Strawberry plants in one-gallon pots, two varieties, three to four plants per pot. Varieties i..
$5.00 Ex Tax: $5.00 quantity on hand: 10
strawberries type Hood starter pots
Hood strawberries one to two plants in four inch starter pots...
$3.00 Ex Tax: $3.00 quantity on hand: 8